Rodney began the Prisoners’ Lives Matter campaign in 2020 to advocate for the “prisoners’ bill of rights” while incarcerated.

His Mission:

Inform the public.

Help policymakers and people outside of the system understand and learn about the injustice and abuse happening inside of prisons and the subsequent need for prison reform.

Give prisoners their humanity back.

Prisoners are people! They are mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, grandmothers, nieces, brothers, uncles, sons, grandfathers, nephews, and citizens of this country.

Demand real rehabilitation.

Prisons should be places for people who committed offenses against society to find opportunities for redemption, repentance, restoration, rehabilitation, treatment, transformation, education and one day return back to society as productive citizens.

Ban abusive practices.

The use of chokeholds and tear gas in excessive force as a means to control prisoners must be eliminated to ensure the humane treatment of all those incarcerated.